Teacher Indian Headdress Video – California Teacher Placed on Leave

Teacher Indian Headdress Video – A secondary teacher from Riverside, California has been put on leave after viral recordings show her ridiculing Indigenous societies during a numerical class this week. The instructor, wearing what seems, by all accounts, to be a plastic headband with paper pattern quills to appear as though a crown, is found in recordings bouncing around the room shrieking “SoCahToa,” an abbreviated expression for showing geometry capacities, and “tomahawk chopping.”

The recording shows the instructor moving around the room, hopping on tables, shouting, and shrieking “SohCahToa” while likewise doing what should look like a “tomahawk chop.” “SohCahToa” is a dubious abbreviated expression generally used to show geometry capacities sine, cosine, and digression.

While the instructor was doing the dance, she had drawings pulled up on the class projector of stick figures with crowns, rocks, and teepees. The instructor then, at that point, sat on top of her work area at the front of the study hall and claimed to go to a water goddess.

Brown posted a video of the executive gathering, during which a youthful Indigenous young lady defied board individuals about the video. Brown, an Indigenous lady who fills in as a Native history and culture expert, has said she is the authorized representative for the family, as they would prefer not to be recognized for security reasons.

John Wesley North High School posted a photograph of the area’s unique assertion, saying the instructor being referred to is one of their own.

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