Riley Sluman Obituary – 54-year-old Michael Scott Sluman was the driver of a 2003 Harley Davidson that was struck by a pickup in Frederick Tuesday night, Weld County Deputy Coroner Carl Blesch reported Wednesday night.
The cruiser’s traveler, Sluman’s 24-year-old girl Riley Mae Sluman, died at the location of the mishap.
The pair was riding northward on Colorado Boulevard (Weld County Road 13) between Godding Hollow Boulevard and Pine Cone Avenue (Weld County Roads 18 and 20) at around 7:30 p.m. They were hit from behind, as per Angela Wilson, a Frederick Police Department representative, by a pickup truck being driven by a 24-year-old female.
The two vehicles went into the southward paths after the impact, Wilson told CBS4. The pickup, a 1999 Chevrolet Silverado, proceeded off the street, into a trench, went airborne, and moved onto the Bella Rosa Golf Course property.
The pickup driver is as yet hospitalized. Agents are not delivering her name right now, Wilson said.
What precisely caused the mishap is as yet being scrutinized.
Neither one of the motorcyclists was wearing a head protector, Blesch detailed.