Fauci Dog Video – Fauci Blesses Feeding Puppies’ Heads

Fauci Dog Video – Public Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci has gone under open assault over torture supported by his office. This is President Joe Biden’s possibility at change—it’s never been more clear that Fauci’s next manager should be favorable to present-day science and against creature testing. New reports charge that Fauci’s National Institutes of Health (NIH) division greenlit tests in which experimenters tranquilized beagle young doggies and secured their heads confines loaded up with eager, tainted sandflies. The medication tests were executed even though the Food and Drug Administration doesn’t need new medications to be tried on canines.

Significantly, the president names another NIH chief who puts America’s wellbeing first and solidly denies every one of the creature experimenters who have been driving arrangements at the office for the last decade.

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