Burari Case Netflix – The Netflix docu-series follows the secret behind India’s scandalous 2018 Burari passings, where 11 individuals across three ages of a family were discovered dead under abnormal conditions in their home in Delhi.
Oscar-winning author AR Rahman says making the first score for the narrative series House of Secrets: The Burari Deaths, coordinated by Leena Yadav and Anubhav Chopra, has been a novel encounter.
The Netflix docu-series follows the secret behind India’s scandalous 2018 Burari passings, where 11 individuals across three ages of a family were discovered dead under peculiar conditions in their home in Delhi.
The docu-series means to take watchers through various phases of the examination of the case, delivering striking and sudden disclosures, and Yadav trusts AR Rahman’s score has raised the narrating on many levels.