Couch Guy Tiktok Original Video – The video, which has now circulated the web on TikTok with almost 17 million perspectives and more than 1.8 million preferences, shows a young lady named Lauren going into a school apartment to astound her sweetheart without precedent for some time. What’s strange with regards to the video is that he doesn’t quickly hop up when he sees her. She strolls in and sees him sitting on the love seat with three young ladies! It even kind of appears as though one of those young ladies subtly passes him back his telephone before he rises to embrace his better half.
Individuals via web-based media are still completely partitioned. Certain individuals are marking her just like a guileless young lady while others are really strong of Lauren and how she feels. Notwithstanding, nobody truly thinks about the relationship except for the two individuals included — Lauren and Couch Guy. Ideally, for their wellbeing, the epithet doesn’t stick.