Brass Against Pee Rockville Video – Sophia Urista Twitter Rage against the Machine

brass against singer

Brass Against Pee Rockville Video – The individuals from Brass Against were similarly just about as stunned as celebration participants when vocalist Sophia Urista peed on the essence of a fan during their set at Welcome to Rockville. The band put out an expression of remorse on Twitter following the episode.

They composed

“We had a great time last night at Welcome to Rockville,”

“Sophia got carried away. That’s not something the rest of us expected, and it’s not something you’ll see again at our shows. Thanks for bringing it last night, Daytona.”

In a since-erased tweet, the gathering added

“We’re truly sorry. Not who we are as a band.”

Metal Against is a covers band known for performing metal interpretations of rock melodies, and Urista’s tricks occurred during a front of Rage Against the Machine’s “Wake Up.”

After supposedly offering a few remarks concerning the amount she needed to pee, the singer welcomed a volunteer in front of an audience to be her human latrine.

The willing member advanced in front of an audience, and as guaranteed Urista dropped her jeans and pissed all around his face without stopping the tune.

Metal Against’s fronts of Tool’s “Lateralus” and “The Pot” dazzled Maynard and friends such a lot that they requested that they open their European shows one year from now.

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