Accident Mirsid – Updates

Accident Mirsid – As of late, the Zălău firemen were approached to mediate in a street mishap that occurred at the passage to Mirşid area. As per the agents of the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations “Porolisum” Sălaj, a vehicle and a van affecting four individuals, three grown-ups, and a minor were engaged with the mishap.

“Two individuals (travelers) in the vehicle were seen as dead and a move was made to eliminate them. An emergency vehicle moved the minor to UPU Zalău “, the ISU Sălaj delegates sent on the spot.

As per the data given by the agents of the Sălaj County Police Inspectorate, on Sunday, December 8, 2019, around 3:30, on the National Road 1H, in Mirșid area, a 19-year-old young person from Mirșid cooperative while driving the vehicle, on a street area in arrangement, the reason for not adjusting the speed to the street conditions, the street being wet, failed to keep a grip on the bearing of movement and entered a railing.

If any further information comes about Accident Mirsid, MixTVNow will surely update this post.

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